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Kings Hall's Commitment


Engaging Our Community

Our community focus at Kings Hall, Herne Bay, is central to our mission and operations. Rooted in values of excellence, inclusivity, innovation, and community engagement, we are dedicated to providing a vibrant cultural space that enhances the local community’s cultural fabric. Here’s a detailed look at what the community focus looks like at Kings Hall:



Vision and Values

We are a beacon of cultural diversity, celebrating a wide range of musical genres and performance arts. Our vision is to foster an environment that nurtures authenticity and innovation in our programming while maintaining a strong connection to the community. Central to this vision is the support for local musicians, performers, and community groups, ensuring that community engagement is a fundamental aspect of our identity.

Mission Statement

Our mission emphasises inspiring, enriching, and celebrating talent and diversity within the community through unforgettable events and ground-breaking programming. This mission highlights the importance of community engagement and inclusivity in every aspect of our activities.

Strategic Community Focus

Quality and Authenticity: We showcase a vibrant spectrum of musical genres and performances, celebrating the diverse talents within our community. This approach ensures that cultural experiences are authentic, high-quality, and reflective of our community’s rich cultural heritage.

Community Engagement and Grassroots Support: Close collaboration with local musicians, practitioners, community organisations, and educational institutions is a cornerstone of our strategy. This collaboration helps develop programming that enriches our community, nurtures emerging talent, and supports local projects, contributing to the cultural vibrancy and legacy of our area.

Expansive Programme: We offer a diverse array of events, including live music, dance, and comedy, ensuring that our programming remains fresh and exciting. This diversity in programming makes arts and culture accessible to a wider audience within our community.

Core Values

Innovation: We are driven by a commitment to innovative excellence, pushing boundaries and exploring creative avenues to offer exceptional cultural experiences. This value promotes a dynamic and evolving cultural scene in our community.

Inclusivity: Creating an inclusive and welcoming environment is a priority for us. We ensure that everyone feels valued and respected, fostering a sense of belonging within our community.

Community: Active engagement with our community is fundamental. We forge meaningful connections through cultural programming and initiatives, enhancing community cohesion and a strong sense of identity and place.

Community Initiatives

Local Community Engagement:

Cultural Enrichment: We are dedicated to bringing high-quality, diverse music and live performances to the local area, making cultural experiences accessible to all.

Youth Development: Partnerships with local schools and organisations provide work experience opportunities for young people, helping them develop skills and gain insights into the music and live performance industry. This initiative supports the career aspirations of the youth in our community.

Support for Grassroots Artists: We provide a professional stage for local musicians and performers, allowing them to hone their craft and reach new audiences. This support helps in the growth and development of future artists.

Support for Community Groups and Organisations:

Facilitating Community Services: We offer a space for various cultural, educational, and social activities, supporting community groups in their endeavours.

Educational Collaborations: Partnerships with educational institutions help nurture emerging talent and provide valuable learning experiences, further strengthening our community’s cultural fabric.

Broader Community Engagement:

Arts and Culture Accessibility: Our diverse programming ensures that arts and culture are accessible to everyone in Herne Bay and the wider Canterbury district.

Innovation and Inclusivity: Prioritising innovative and inclusive programming creates a welcoming environment for all community members, ensuring that everyone feels valued and included.

Through these comprehensive community-focused initiatives, we not only enrich the cultural life of Herne Bay but also strengthen the community’s sense of identity and place, making Kings Hall a pivotal institution in the local cultural landscape. Read more about our Mission Statement and Artistic Vision for Kings Hall below.

Our Mission & Artistic Policy